Top 5 Essential Nutrients To Build Strong Bones

Everyone knows it's important to keep your bones healthy. However, you don't need to turn to dairy items such as cheese or milk to construct strong bones. Calcium is but one of the nutrition required for healthy bones. Plant-based foods provide all the vitamins and minerals you need for good bone health.

The dairy industry would like you to feel that milk is essential. But that's simply not true, and ultra-pasteurized foods can even have harmful effects. Additionally, it is estimated that up to 65% of people have trouble digesting milk (1).

And if you're relying on calcium supplements, then you might want to reconsider.

The analysis also found that calcium absorbed from food actually lowered the chance of coronary disease. That makes it essential to receive your calcium from plant sources.

1. Calcium

The combination of collagen and calcium makes up around 99 percent of your own bone tissue. So, it is reasonable that you will need calcium in your diet to keep your muscles strong.

Broccoli is one of the most calcium-dense plants out there. Only one cup contains up to 180 milligrams of calcium. To place this into perspective, one cup of hard cheese contains approximately 200 mg of calcium.

Considering that broccoli is full of additional valuable nutrients, it is a great option for getting your calcium. Other calcium-rich greens contain spinach, mustard greens, arugula, turnip greens, kale, and leafy greens.

2. Magnesium

Unfortunately, when it comes to bone nourishment, most people stop. But calcium is merely a small piece of the puzzle.

Magnesium, for instance, is vital for healthy bones. That's because your body needs calcium to consume and transport calcium.

It is estimated that up to 80 percent of people are deficient in this mineral. This is huge since a large body of evidence suggests that if you don't get enough calcium, it promotes osteoporosis and brittle bones.

As an additional bonus, spinach can also be rich in calcium so you are going to be getting two great bone minerals in a single.

Other good sources of magnesium include almonds, peanuts, and cashews.

3. Potassium

Another commonly overlooked mineral for healthy bones is potassium. In fact, research shows adequate potassium can strengthen bones.

There are several biochemical processes in the body that result from the production of amino acids.

Mineral salts like potassium help counteract the effects of the amino acids. If you lack potassium, your body pulls alkalizing compounds in the bone. This results in a reduction of bone.

Bananas are a rich source of potassium to keep your body alkaline and protect your bones.

4. Vitamin C

Your body requires vitamin C as a cofactor to make collagen. Considering that a large proportion of your bone is composed of collagen, getting enough vitamin C is crucial.

Some evidence even suggests that if you do not get enough vitamin C, then it can considerably slow the body's creation of new bone.

Fortunately, vitamin C deficiencies are not as common compared to other nutrients required for healthy bones. But that doesn't make it less important.

Getting your daily vitamin C is simple and delicious with berries such as strawberries, raspberries or blackberries. Citrus fruits also do the trick. Have a look at ultimate gluco gel 240ct which contain collagen the main building block of bone matrix.

5. Vitamin K

There is a small, yet still important, a portion of bone that isn't made of calcium. Instead, it's composed of a protein is known as vitamin K-dependent y-carboxyglutamic acid. Yeah, it is a mouthful.

But all you need to understand is that without vitamin K, this protein cannot function. And when this protein does not work, your body has a hard time generating new bone tissue.

One study found that vitamin K deficiencies are associated with osteoarthritis and increased risk of fractures.

To get enough vitamin K in your diet, eat more leafy greens like kale. In case you have a tough time eating enough greens every day, try a green juice powder that provides organic superfoods.

For further information regarding health, you can visit youngevity.


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