Top 10 Anti-Aging Foods To Support Your Body

When we package our daily diet with foods that are vibrant packed with antioxidants, healthful fats, water, and vital nutrients your body will reveal its appreciation through its biggest organ: our skin. After all, the skin is often the first portion of our entire body to show the internal problem, and there is only so much that lotions, masks, lotions, and serums can do until we need to take a closer look at what's alerting us.

Scientists have even concluded that eating fruits and veggies would be the safest and most economical way to fight dull complexions and nice lines. Ready to glow? Here are 10 of the best anti-aging foods to nourish the human body to get a glow that comes from inside.

1. Watercress

The health advantages of watercress don't disappoint! This nutrient-dense hydrating leafy green is a great source of:

  •     Calcium
  •     Potassium
  •     Manganese
  •     Phosphorus
  •     Vitamins A, C, K, B-1, and B-2

Watercress functions as an inner skin antiseptic and increases the circulation and delivery of minerals to all cells of the human body, leading to enhanced oxygenation of the skin. Filled with vitamins A and C, the antioxidants at watercress can neutralize dangerous free radicals, helping to keep good lines and wrinkles away.

To try: Insert a few of the yummy green to your salad now for glowing skin and overall improved health!

2. Red bell pepper

Red bell peppers are loaded with antioxidants that reign supreme when it comes to anti-aging. In addition to their high content of vitamin C -- which is fantastic for hydration production --, red bell peppers contain powerful antioxidants called carotenoids.

Carotenoids are plant pigments responsible for its vivid red, yellow, and orange colors you see in several fruits and vegetables. They have a variety of anti-inflammatory properties and may help protect skin from sun damage, pollution, and environmental toxins.

To try: Slice bell peppers and then dip them into hummus as a bite, then add them into a raw salad or cook them up at a stir-fry.

3. Papaya

This delicious superfood is rich in an assortment of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that may help to enhance skin elasticity and decrease the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. These include:

  • Vitamins A, C, K, and E
  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • B vitamins

The broad range of antioxidants in papaya helps fight free radical damage and might delay signs of aging. Papaya also includes an enzyme called papain, which provides additional anti-aging advantages by working as a member of nature's best anti brokers. Additionally, it is found in several exfoliating products.

So yes, eating papaya (or using products containing papain) can help your body shed dead skin cells, leaving you glowing skin!

To try: Drizzle fresh lime juice over a big plate of papaya as part of your lunch or earn a papaya mask at home for the following night in!

4. Blueberries

Blueberries are rich in vitamins A and C, as well as an age-defying antioxidant called anthocyanin.

These powerful antioxidants can help protect skin from damage due to the sun, stress, and pollution by moderating the inflammatory reaction and preventing collagen loss.

To try: Throw this yummy, low-sugar fruit into a morning berry or fruit bowl, and let it give a beautifying punch!

5. Broccoli

Broccoli is an anti-inflammatory, anti-aging powerhouse packaged with:

  •     Vitamins C and K
  •     Many Different antioxidants
  •     Fiber
  •     Folate
  •     Lutein
  •     Calcium

Your body needs vitamin C to the production of collagen, the main protein in the skin that gives it strength and elasticity.

To try: You can eat broccoli raw to get a fast bite, but if you've got the time, gently steam before eating. From charred snacks to pesto sauces, cooking broccoli really helps discharge more health benefits on your entire body.

6. Spinach

Spinach is super hydrating and packed with antioxidants that help oxygenate and rejuvenate the entire body. It's also rich in:

  • Vitamins A, C, E, and K
  • Magnesium
  • Plant-based heme iron
  • Lutein

But that's not all. The vitamin A it supplies may encourage powerful, shiny hair, while vitamin K has been proven to help reduce inflammation.

To try: Insert handfuls of spinach to a smoothie, salad, or sauté.

7. Nuts

Many nuts (especially almonds) are a great source of Vitamin E, which may help repair skin tissues, keep skin moisture, and shield skin from damaging UV rays. Walnuts even contain anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids that may help:

  •     Strengthen skin cell membranes
  •     Protect against sun damage
  •     Provide skin a Gorgeous glow by preserving its natural petroleum barrier

To try: scatter a mixture of nuts in addition to your salads, or eat a handful as a snack. Don't remove skin, either, as studies show that 50 percent or more of these antioxidants are dropped with no epidermis.

8. Avocado

Avocados are high in inflammation-fighting fatty acids that encourage smooth, supple skin. They also contain a Number of essential nutrients that may prevent the negative effects of aging, including:

  •     Vitamins C, K, E, and a
  •     B Vitamins
  •     Potassium

The high content of vitamin A avocados might help us shed dead skin cells, leaving us with gorgeous, luminous skin. Their carotenoid content may also assist in blocking toxins and damage from the sun's beams and also help to protect against skin cancer. Check out imortalium for further vitamins that support your optimal telomere health.

To try: Pour some avocado into a salad, smoothie, or just eat it with a spoon. When you thought you've tried all of the ways to eat an avocado, we have got 23 more.

9. Sweet Potatoes

The orange color of the candy potato comes in the antioxidant called beta-carotene that's converted into vitamin A. Vitamin A can help restore skin elasticity, boost skin cell turnover, and finally lead to soft, skin that is moisturizing.

This tasty root vegetable is also a great source of vitamins E and C -- both of which may protect skin from damaging free radicals and maintain our complexion glowing.

To try: Whip up these sweet potato toast recipes that will up your snack or breakfast match like no other. Thanksgiving isn't the only time to add this veggie into your diet!

10. Pomegranate Seeds

Pomegranates are utilized for centuries as a healing medicinal fruit. High in vitamin C along with a variety of potent antioxidants, pomegranates can protect our body from free radical damage and reduce levels of inflammation within our system.

These wholesome fruits also have a compound called punicalagins, which may help to maintain collagen in skin, slowing signs of aging.

To try: Sprinkle these sweet little stones onto a baby spinach walnut salad for an anti-aging cure!

For more information, you can visit youngevity


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