90 Essential Nutrients for being healthy

In the crux of the Youngevity 90 For Life program is the Healthy Body Start Pak 2.0 ($125 for a 30 day supply) which comprises three products that collectively deliver all 90 of the essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids and EFAs your body is designed to need and use. That plus the Welcome/Training Kit ($25.00) will get you started.

Next, I recommend that everyone include, at a minimum, Ultimate Selenium (25.50/month) due to its clinically established cancer-fighting ability and because of many organs in your body which rely on selenium. The Tangy Tangerine 2.0 in the Start Kit gives you 100 mcgs, but the recommended dose is 300 mg to 400 mcgs. 1 bottle of Ultimate Selenium ($25.50) will get you.

I am searching for the Healthy Body Start Pak and Selenium... plus"add-ons" for Bones and Joints for arthritis as follows: Ultimate Gluco Gel ($21.00 per bottle; I use two bottles per month)... and Ultimate CM Plus ($46.00)... and an additional jar (there's one in the Beginning Kit) of Beyond Osteo FX Liquid (it comes in a powder) ($42.00).

Kathleen is performing exactly the Healthy Body Start Pak and an additional Beyond Osteo FX Liquid ($42.00), and yet another Slender FX Sweet Eze ($24.50) to help with weight reduction.

In case you've got special problems that need extra support, as I did with my Bones/Joints/Arthritis difficulties, like Blood Sugar or Digestive issues, Weight reduction, etc., then you should look at add-on goods that specifically target these areas. Dr. Wallach says that he enjoys folks with arthritis since it's really easy to fix. And the app has taken tons of people off Type 2 Diabetes prescriptions.

Each Youngevity merchandise (except Selenium) is packaged in 30-day supply per 100 lbs of body weight. Our internist, who advocated the program to us, recommended just sticking with the 100-pound dosage for the first month, then bumping up to an actual body weight dose at the second or third month, at least on the Healthy Body Start Pak products also Sweet Eze. Not on Selenium.

"Take the 90 essential minerals and nutrients for 90 days and 90 percent of your problems will be solved" Meaning you ought to give the app at least 90 days to establish itself to you. I state 120 days because that's exactly what it took for my knees and shoulders to be pain-free.

Dr. Wallach has autopsied and blood sampled more than 17,000 animals and over 3000 humans.

He's been released 75 occasions in peer-reviewed scientific and medical journals internationally.

He's a major contributor to thirteen books including the famous Diseases of Exotic Animals still used by top veterinary schools and is about the Smithsonian Institute's recommended reading list.

He traveled to and sampled the blood of men and women in the planet's longest living cultures.

Dr. Linus Pauling, one of the two greatest scientists of the 20th century, confessed by his colleagues as the most influential chemist since Lavoisier, and a two-time Nobel Prize Winner, stated that it is possible to trace every sickness, every disease, every ailment to a mineral deficiency. But since the minerals and nutrients that were once within our soils and were transmitted to us through the food we ate are no longer there due to modern mass farming and processing methods, we must supplement to comprehend what our genetics are calling for. What God intended us to buy out of our food.

If you need more information about dr wallach minerals, have a look at young90 health.


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