Ever since people have been roaming the ground, plant foods are the dietary supply of minerals--until lately. An integrative physician in private practice, Andersen is also a highly respected expert in land and crop management. Why are veggies more depleted than veggies? "Because vegetables are typically annuals, they don't have as big a root system. Fruits are perennials that are on a tree," he clarifies. "Trees have a much larger and deeper root system, so they are ready to excavate more nourishment than a vegetable." For both, the inherent difficulty is mineral-depleted soil, chiefly as a result of industrial agriculture with chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides. Although minerals can be replaced in the soil, this is not regular farming practice today. Why Minerals out of Plants? We need over 70 trace minerals--"trace" literally meaning tiny amounts. "The whole combination is essential for proper function of the human ...