Healthy eating habits for adoloscent

Good nutrition is essential for everyone, but it’s especially important for growing teenagers. Unfortunately, many American teenagers have an unbalanced diet.

What is healthy eating?

Eating healthy is an important part of a healthy lifestyle and is something that needs to be educated at a young age. Listed here are some general guidelines for helping your adolescent eat healthy. It's necessary to discuss your teenager's diet with their healthcare provider prior to making any dietary changes or placing your teen on a diet. 

Go over these healthy eating recommendations with your adolescent so They can follow a healthy eating plan:

1. Eat 3 meals a day.

2. Increase fiber in the diet and decrease the use of salt.

3. Drink water. Stay away from drinks that are high in sugar. Fruit juice can have a great            deal of calories, so limit the intake of your adolescent. Fruit is always a choice.

4. Eat balanced meals.

5. Make sure your adolescent watches (and decreases, if necessary) their sugar intake.

6. Eat fruit or vegetables .

7. Reduce the use of butter and heavy gravies.

8. Eat more fish and poultry. Limit red meat consumption, and choose lean cuts as soon as      possible. 

Making healthy food choices

The USDA and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services have prepared the following food plate to guide parents in selecting foods for children age 2 and older.

The My Plate icon is divided into 5 food group categories, emphasizing the nutritional intake of the following :
Foods which are made from rice, wheat, oats, cornmeal, barley, or another cereal grain or grain products. Examples include wheat, brown rice, and oatmeal. Aim for mostly whole-grains.
Vary your vegetables.Select many different vegetables, including dark green, crimson, and orange vegetables, legumes (peas and beans), and starchy vegetables.
Fruits may be fresh, canned, frozen, or dried, and may be whole, cut up, or pureed.
Milk products and lots of foods made from milk are regarded as part of the food group. Focus on fat-free or low-fat products, in addition to those who are high in calcium.
Choose low-fat or lean meats and poultry. Vary your protein routine--choose more fish, nuts, seeds, peas, and beans.
Oils aren't a food group, yet a few, such as nut oils, contain essential nutrients for good health and can be contained in the diet. Others, such as animal fats, are solid and should be prevented.
Exercise and everyday physical activity should also be included with a healthy dietary plan.
Follow these tips for the proper and well maintained growth of your body.
For more dietary supplements Contact Young90health


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